December 2024 Wish List:

  • 3 guitars for school choirs, $145 each

  • Classroom tables and chairs for 40 preschoolers, $300

  • 10 document cameras, $100 each

  • 5 classroom wall projectors, $200 each

  • sturdy badminton equipment, good quality soccer balls

  • Tables and chairs for 35 physically handicapped children, GS Rukingu, $500

    Ongoing Needs and Major Projects:

  • Lunch fees for PK students: $2/month, for primary/middle/high school: $4/month

  • School fees—primary day student: $55/year, high school day student: $75/ year, high school boarding student: $360/year

  • Tuition for teacher education ($250/term, on average 4-6 terms required to earn a bachelor’s degree in education).

  • SmartTank, a solar-powered filtering system to filter rainwater for drinking, $2000, at GS Gasaka

  • Music room to house traditional dance equipment, drums, and other musical instruments at Rulindo Primary School, $7,500

One person can make a difference

and everyone should try.

—J. F. Kennedy, 1962


Ways to donate:

1. Preferred: mail check to Rwandan Educational Enrichment, 1800 Fager Hill Rd. Penryn, CA 95663

2. Venmo: Rwandan Educational Enrichment@Rulindo2021

3. Zelle (Elena Bennett, 916-719-1656)

4. Use the PayPal “Donate” button here

5. Checks/cash (made out to Rwandan Educational Enrichment) accepted in any division office

at Sacramento Country Day School

100% of every donation goes directly to our Rwandan partners for use in our collaborative projects.

No donated funds are used for administrative expenses of any kind.

For more information, please contact us at: