December 2024 Wish List:
3 guitars for school choirs, $145 each
Classroom tables and chairs for 40 preschoolers, $300
10 document cameras, $100 each
5 classroom wall projectors, $200 each
sturdy badminton equipment, good quality soccer balls
Tables and chairs for 35 physically handicapped children, GS Rukingu, $500
Ongoing Needs and Major Projects:
Lunch fees for PK students: $2/month, for primary/middle/high school: $4/month
School fees—primary day student: $55/year, high school day student: $75/ year, high school boarding student: $360/year
Tuition for teacher education ($250/term, on average 4-6 terms required to earn a bachelor’s degree in education).
SmartTank, a solar-powered filtering system to filter rainwater for drinking, $2000, at GS Gasaka
Music room to house traditional dance equipment, drums, and other musical instruments at Rulindo Primary School, $7,500
One person can make a difference
and everyone should try.
—J. F. Kennedy, 1962
Ways to donate:
1. Preferred: mail check to Rwandan Educational Enrichment, 1800 Fager Hill Rd. Penryn, CA 95663
2. Venmo: Rwandan Educational Enrichment@Rulindo2021
3. Zelle (Elena Bennett, 916-719-1656)
4. Use the PayPal “Donate” button here
5. Checks/cash (made out to Rwandan Educational Enrichment) accepted in any division office
at Sacramento Country Day School
100% of every donation goes directly to our Rwandan partners for use in our collaborative projects.
No donated funds are used for administrative expenses of any kind.